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Meaning & Purpose

What can we learn about the morality and politics of our time from the subjects that representational artists choose?

I presented the paper titled “Meaning and Purpose: Morality and Politics in 21st Century Representational Art” at The Representational Art Conference 2015, an international cultural event in Ventura, California. The event included presentations, demonstrations, and trips to five gallery exhibits.

Michael Pearce and Michael Lynn Adams founded the conference in 2012 to provide a place for the discussion of the philosophy and practice of artists in the universities, colleges, ateliers and private studios where the techniques of the old masters are still taught and used in the present day. California Lutheran University Arts Initiative presents the conference to focus academic attention on the work of traditionally trained artists, to identify commonalities and to help to understand the unique possibilities of representational art.

I am now publishing my paper in serial form on my blog. You’ll see a new chapter each week as we delve into this subject.

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